Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Little Sister

My younger sister, Janice, has her birthday today. We celebrated her birthday at Bandung which is why we just got home. Some of our relatives live there. Within ten years of living with Jan, my life was perfect. I feel like my little sister complete me and she's the best roommate I've ever had. My life is almost perfect without her. ({})

Monday, January 9, 2012

In The Name Of Jesus, LEAVE!

A very fine story I found on YouTube and think it's a must-watch.

Marian Chadwick is the owner of a Jewelery Store in Texas. She was helping a customer when suddenly a robber came and was holding a gun with his finger on the trigger. He was pointing his gun to Marian's face and about to shoot her. But Marian bravely point at his face and said, "You leave my store right now! In the name of Jesus." the robber refused to leave at first but then Marian commanded, "You are bound by the Holy Spirit and you are leaving."

Amazingly the robber backs out and leaves the store.
"He told her to get on the floor, but she said no. He could have grabbed anything, but he was totally arrested by the Holy Spirit. The power of God filled the store and it just pushed him back," Vereen told the CBS. I say, Marian could've just let the robber force her to lay down in the floor and grab all the jeweleries. Or Marian could just call 911 and get a police to get everything back. She had no weapon that time. But she believes in Jesus and Holy Spirit. Amazing it is.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life is Too Short For...

Had an argue with my big sis yesterday and we were talking about how life goes. She told me about her experience of being betrayed and how disappointed she is and even grumbled about it. I also shared mine with her because I know how it feels to be betrayed by your best friend or someone special. Well but I say, life can be so complicated and disappointing. But actually that's the point. You can turn around, stop staring at a closed door, and start a new beginning or you can just waste your time learn nothing and explore nothing. Because life is too short but when your 13-30, you still have a lot of time to learn.

So the point is, no
matter how bad your life is, no matter how disappointed you are, don't waste your time worrying or being unhappy. Because honestly, you can count that there are so many things you can smile about. But most importantly, trust your God. If you think that your life is bad and life is unfair, I can't guarantee 100% you believe that He has a plan for you. REMEMBER THIS: God promised that He will wipe away all your tears. He may not promise that life will be easy, but He promised to be with you. Even when you fail Him, believe it that He still love you.

Anyways, I read a part from a book before and it says like this: "This is not about solving your problems. It's about realizing that there are no problems. Only situations."

So I have some methods to prove that there are no problems:
1. When you feel sad or lonely, go to your room (or even bathroom) and have talk to God.
2. When suddenly one day someone disappoint you, look away and turn around. Stop "dealing" with that resentment.
3. When you feel hurt and feel like you wanna cry, don't hold your tears. Instead, let it flow away.
4. And also, try to not let anyone see you crying. Ask God to calm you down. That's what makes you stronger.
5. And when you cry, don't cry on your pillow. Look out your window. Because if you're looking out of your window, you'll see that there are lots of people in this world. Everybody hurts, so it's okay.
6. Like I said before, don't waste too much time. Stand up and fight for a new beginning. Remember that God is with you.
7. Life is like a roller coaster, so just enjoy the ride and believe that you'll be just fine.

I never say that it'll be easy but trust me, I've tried it :D
Oh, and by the way, I found a joke about life is short. Actually this is an old video but watch it

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Button Eyes

If you ever wish to have a better life with a better world, then you should watch this horror film. Coraline is a 2009 horror movie made for children. The story of this movie is based on Neil Gaiman's novel which was published on 2002. Coraline is different from any other 3D movies because it's a stop-motion animation.

I really like this movie because the story is really good and is my favorite horror movie. Coraline is the biggest smallest movie ever made. They didn’t use computer for making this movie but they used real models on a real set. They made a giant set on a tiny scale. And since they used stop-motion, they had to make thousands of real models. So imagine making thousands of hand-made hands for the models. Beside the models, they spent a week to make 2-7 seconds of the movie. So if it’s an 80-minute movie, they spent at least 685 weeks to work on it. That doesn’t include the decision of what will the characters look like. It took four months to decide the appearance of Coraline. And that also doesn’t include the making of Coraline model.

This movie is going to be scary for the first-time-watch. Even Neil Gaiman, the author of the story, was scared when he watched the movie at first. Honestly, the first time I watched this movie, I didn’t sleep well that night. So I’d give a three-thumbs-up for Henry Selick and Neil Gaiman.

The story is actually about a brave, 11-years-old girl named Coraline who moved to an apartment called Pink Palace. It isn't like the apartments we know today, instead it's more like a 150-years-old house and is divided into three residences. Ever since she left her hometown, her parents become so busy and have no time for Coraline. In the other day, her neighbor, Wyborne Lovat finds a doll that replicates Coraline's appearance and it has button eyes. Back to her house, she eventually finds a small door when she was exploring the house. So Coraline asks her mom to unlock the small door, but she only finds a wall of bricks.

That night, Coraline is awakened by a squeaking mouse that leads her to the small door again. But this time, the small door leads her into a corridor to another small door. She crawls in that door and finds the "Other World" with "Other Mother", "Other Father", and "Other Neighbors". Only, things are so much better than her real world. She enjoys being in the "Other World" and that's when she decides to go there the following nights.

Until one night, her "Other Mother" tells Coraline that she can stay there forever only if she let the "Other Mother" sew buttons in her eyes. Coraline denies it and retorts to her "Other Mother" so she let Coraline return to her real parents. The "Other Mother" suddenly turns into a horrifying woman and traps Coraline inside a mirror. Coraline finds herself in the dark and meets the ghost children. There, the ghost children tells Coraline that the "Other Mother" spied their lives through the doll's eyes and saw that they had a sad life. That's why they went to the "Other World" and let the "Other Mother" sew buttons in their eyes. But the "Other Mother" ate them up and lock their souls inside the mirror. They tell Coraline that the "Other Mother" hid their eyes and ask her to please help them find their eyes so their souls will be freed.
Eventually the "Other Wyborne" comes to rescue Coraline and bring her back to the real world. But Coraline finds her parents disappeared. She asks her neighbors if they saw her parents but none of her neighbors have any idea. Coraline cries to sleep at that night when suddenly a black cat wakes her up and shows her where her parents are. Coraline is horrified when she finds out that her parents are trapped in the mirror and finds a doll that replicates her real parents' appearance. The "Other Mother" has taken them.

This is a really good movie. So go to the loo before you watch Coraline because your seats might get wet. And make sure you don't watch it alone. ;)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Smell of Fragrances

Am and will always be a huge fan of my three favorite singers, Avril Lavigne, Justin Bieber, and Taylor Swift. I really love their songs and am crazy about them, only I'm not as crazy as any other fans. Well, Avril and Justin came to country for a tour concert once but I wasn't allowed to come to any of their concerts. That is just so sad.

I like Avril because she's re
ally good at composing songs even though her voice isn't really good. And she doesn't only compose songs and sing, but she's also a fashion designer. She has a clothing line called Abbey Dawn (which is her nickname when she was little) and I really like her rock'n'roll designs.

Other than that, I like Justin because he's really am
azing. He was just a regular boy from Canada who eventually uploaded videos of him to Youtube and got famous. Judgmental people says that Justin isn't good or he shouldn't be adored because his voice is so girly. But I say I don't care, I'm still a Bieber fan and he's doing just fine. And another thing that I like about him is because I read a magazine and it says that Justin is a perfect type of boyfriend. But I don't know.

And also, I got a thing about Taylor because her songs are all "true stories" and her songs can make me feel better whenever I feel down, because sometimes her song tells a story that is a bit similar to mine. My favorite Taylor songs are Love Story, The Story Of Us, and Enchanted (actually all of her songs are my favorite). Another reason is her experience of being a victim of bullying. Because I know how it hurts to be bullied and left out. Taylor started writing songs since she got bullied but now and then she's famous.

I like them because they can sing and they know just how to cheer me up. But that's not all. I checked Youtube the other day, when I was loo
king for an Avril video and suddenly found a fragrance commercial. That's when I first know that Avril has her own fragrance. She has three fragrances: Black Star, Forbidden Rose, and Wild Rose.

That's a picture Avril's fragrances. I wanted to have one of those despite I don't actually wear perfumes. But then that's when I notice that actually Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift has their own fragrance, too. Justin Bieber's fragrance is called Someday and Taylor's fragrance is called Wonderstruck (as in her song "Enchanted"). Actually what I really like about their fragrances is their commercials.

They're awesome. I wish I could be like them. Reminds me there was a time when I really want to be a model just like them.... until today :P

"Science Guy" - Steve Spangler

There's a fact in my school that (almost) always happen: a day or few days before chemistry test/quiz/exam day, there is always someone who shows up in facebook/twitter/BBM personal message and say "Chemistry is useless" or "I don't get why do we have to study chemistry" or "Chemistry won't be necessary for my future" and etc.

I was thinkin
g about the same thing at first. I mean like why should we learn about chemistry or physics at school? It won't be necessary anyway. But actually I realized that chemistry and physics can be really useful and fun.

Steve Spangler is the only "magician" I know, who uses chemistry and physics for his awesome tricks. The first time I heard about Steve Spangler is when my favorite television host, Ellen DeGeneres, invited him to her show so often. You may know about a popular experiment of dropping Mentos into a big bottle of Coke that will result a huge geyser of Coke eruption. It's really really popular. Steve Spangler's the one who tried it.

What I like about Steve is he knows just what his audience (or maybe students, because he also teaches) wants. He knows how to amaze people with his wonders of science. He also invented many science toys. Steve is also a founder of a company for trained magicians, although he isn't a magician.

He rocks... \m/
So no matter how much you don't like science or think that science is boring, Steve Spangler can always prove that science can be fun. Stay tuned ;)


Monday, January 2, 2012

A Futuristic World

Luigi Colani is one of the designers I adore. There is no specific information about what kind of designer is he because he actually designs many things. He was born in Berlin and speaks German.

What's unique about his designs is his unusual ideas. His designs aren't like any other regular designers. He designed things more futuristic and efficient.

"The earth is round, all the heavenly bodies are round; they all move on round or elliptical orbits. This same image of circular globe-shaped mini worlds orbiting around each other follows us right down to the microcosmos. We are even aroused by round forms in species propagation related eroticism. Why should I join the straying mass who want to make everything angular? I am going to pursue Galileo Galilei's philosophy: my world is also round." - Luigi Colani

Rotor House is one of his extraordinary designs and is one of my favorites.

Body Languages

Body language plays an important role in communication. Sometimes when someone is talking to you, you can say whether that person is happy, sad, angry, embarrassed, or shy. That's because your mind doesn't only interpret what the person is saying, but it also interprets the person's body language.

Now if you've ever fallen in love, es
pecially for those in high schools or even middle schools, you may realize that actually when you fall in love with someone, your body will show different kinds of body languages.

Based on my surveys and researches about those body languages, here are some sort of things:

  1. When he look at you right into your eyes more than twice, that simply means he's interested in you.

  2. When she look somewhere else right after she look at you in the eyes, that means she's shy.

  3. When he kisses you in the forehead, that means he cares about you.

  4. When she strokes your hair, that means she wants to be protected.

  5. When he brings his head closer to your head, that means he wants to be someone special to you.

  6. When she hugs you and rest their head to your chest, that simply means she wants you to be hers forever.

  7. When someone kisses you in your cheek, that means s/he respects you.

  8. When someone kisses you in your lips, that means s/he loves you.

  9. When someone bites your lip when s/he kisses you, that means s/he really loves you.

  10. When she cries about you, that's because you broke her heart or jealous.

  11. When he cries about you, that's because he's broken hearted and you meant a lot for him.

  12. When someone steps on your foot so hard, that simply means s/he hates you.

  13. When someone kicks your ass, that really means she hates you so much.