Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Smell of Fragrances

Am and will always be a huge fan of my three favorite singers, Avril Lavigne, Justin Bieber, and Taylor Swift. I really love their songs and am crazy about them, only I'm not as crazy as any other fans. Well, Avril and Justin came to country for a tour concert once but I wasn't allowed to come to any of their concerts. That is just so sad.

I like Avril because she's re
ally good at composing songs even though her voice isn't really good. And she doesn't only compose songs and sing, but she's also a fashion designer. She has a clothing line called Abbey Dawn (which is her nickname when she was little) and I really like her rock'n'roll designs.

Other than that, I like Justin because he's really am
azing. He was just a regular boy from Canada who eventually uploaded videos of him to Youtube and got famous. Judgmental people says that Justin isn't good or he shouldn't be adored because his voice is so girly. But I say I don't care, I'm still a Bieber fan and he's doing just fine. And another thing that I like about him is because I read a magazine and it says that Justin is a perfect type of boyfriend. But I don't know.

And also, I got a thing about Taylor because her songs are all "true stories" and her songs can make me feel better whenever I feel down, because sometimes her song tells a story that is a bit similar to mine. My favorite Taylor songs are Love Story, The Story Of Us, and Enchanted (actually all of her songs are my favorite). Another reason is her experience of being a victim of bullying. Because I know how it hurts to be bullied and left out. Taylor started writing songs since she got bullied but now and then she's famous.

I like them because they can sing and they know just how to cheer me up. But that's not all. I checked Youtube the other day, when I was loo
king for an Avril video and suddenly found a fragrance commercial. That's when I first know that Avril has her own fragrance. She has three fragrances: Black Star, Forbidden Rose, and Wild Rose.

That's a picture Avril's fragrances. I wanted to have one of those despite I don't actually wear perfumes. But then that's when I notice that actually Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift has their own fragrance, too. Justin Bieber's fragrance is called Someday and Taylor's fragrance is called Wonderstruck (as in her song "Enchanted"). Actually what I really like about their fragrances is their commercials.

They're awesome. I wish I could be like them. Reminds me there was a time when I really want to be a model just like them.... until today :P

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