Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life is Too Short For...

Had an argue with my big sis yesterday and we were talking about how life goes. She told me about her experience of being betrayed and how disappointed she is and even grumbled about it. I also shared mine with her because I know how it feels to be betrayed by your best friend or someone special. Well but I say, life can be so complicated and disappointing. But actually that's the point. You can turn around, stop staring at a closed door, and start a new beginning or you can just waste your time learn nothing and explore nothing. Because life is too short but when your 13-30, you still have a lot of time to learn.

So the point is, no
matter how bad your life is, no matter how disappointed you are, don't waste your time worrying or being unhappy. Because honestly, you can count that there are so many things you can smile about. But most importantly, trust your God. If you think that your life is bad and life is unfair, I can't guarantee 100% you believe that He has a plan for you. REMEMBER THIS: God promised that He will wipe away all your tears. He may not promise that life will be easy, but He promised to be with you. Even when you fail Him, believe it that He still love you.

Anyways, I read a part from a book before and it says like this: "This is not about solving your problems. It's about realizing that there are no problems. Only situations."

So I have some methods to prove that there are no problems:
1. When you feel sad or lonely, go to your room (or even bathroom) and have talk to God.
2. When suddenly one day someone disappoint you, look away and turn around. Stop "dealing" with that resentment.
3. When you feel hurt and feel like you wanna cry, don't hold your tears. Instead, let it flow away.
4. And also, try to not let anyone see you crying. Ask God to calm you down. That's what makes you stronger.
5. And when you cry, don't cry on your pillow. Look out your window. Because if you're looking out of your window, you'll see that there are lots of people in this world. Everybody hurts, so it's okay.
6. Like I said before, don't waste too much time. Stand up and fight for a new beginning. Remember that God is with you.
7. Life is like a roller coaster, so just enjoy the ride and believe that you'll be just fine.

I never say that it'll be easy but trust me, I've tried it :D
Oh, and by the way, I found a joke about life is short. Actually this is an old video but watch it

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