Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Science Guy" - Steve Spangler

There's a fact in my school that (almost) always happen: a day or few days before chemistry test/quiz/exam day, there is always someone who shows up in facebook/twitter/BBM personal message and say "Chemistry is useless" or "I don't get why do we have to study chemistry" or "Chemistry won't be necessary for my future" and etc.

I was thinkin
g about the same thing at first. I mean like why should we learn about chemistry or physics at school? It won't be necessary anyway. But actually I realized that chemistry and physics can be really useful and fun.

Steve Spangler is the only "magician" I know, who uses chemistry and physics for his awesome tricks. The first time I heard about Steve Spangler is when my favorite television host, Ellen DeGeneres, invited him to her show so often. You may know about a popular experiment of dropping Mentos into a big bottle of Coke that will result a huge geyser of Coke eruption. It's really really popular. Steve Spangler's the one who tried it.

What I like about Steve is he knows just what his audience (or maybe students, because he also teaches) wants. He knows how to amaze people with his wonders of science. He also invented many science toys. Steve is also a founder of a company for trained magicians, although he isn't a magician.

He rocks... \m/
So no matter how much you don't like science or think that science is boring, Steve Spangler can always prove that science can be fun. Stay tuned ;)



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