Monday, January 9, 2012

In The Name Of Jesus, LEAVE!

A very fine story I found on YouTube and think it's a must-watch.

Marian Chadwick is the owner of a Jewelery Store in Texas. She was helping a customer when suddenly a robber came and was holding a gun with his finger on the trigger. He was pointing his gun to Marian's face and about to shoot her. But Marian bravely point at his face and said, "You leave my store right now! In the name of Jesus." the robber refused to leave at first but then Marian commanded, "You are bound by the Holy Spirit and you are leaving."

Amazingly the robber backs out and leaves the store.
"He told her to get on the floor, but she said no. He could have grabbed anything, but he was totally arrested by the Holy Spirit. The power of God filled the store and it just pushed him back," Vereen told the CBS. I say, Marian could've just let the robber force her to lay down in the floor and grab all the jeweleries. Or Marian could just call 911 and get a police to get everything back. She had no weapon that time. But she believes in Jesus and Holy Spirit. Amazing it is.

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