Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Taylor Swift is My Angel!

I've come up with a great topic to talk about. I want to talk about the person I've been admiring for a long time. She's a famous country singer and she's beautiful. Of course almost everybody knows who Taylor Swift is. Some people ask me why do I adore Taylor Swift so much and what's so special about her. Sometimes they even suggest me other singers who are even famous than Taylor. I realized that Taylor is not the best singer in the world, but I've figured out why she is the best person in my world.

Taylor Swift and her super hot outfit!
The main reason why I really like Taylor is not because of her talents in music. Instead, I adore her point-of-view about life. I think she is a very strong person. I heard that she was once a victim of bullying when she was still in school because her friends were jealous. But Taylor chose to stay strong and hold on. Taylor is different from her friends. It could be something to be upset about, but she chose to see it from the bright side. "If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change," Taylor said.

Taylor has saved my life many times. I've been a bully victim many times at school and I realized the reason is because I'm different from my friends. At first I thought, maybe there is something wrong with me. I kept on asking "Why am I different from others?" inside my head and I cried about it many nights. However, whenever I think about Taylor, I realize that I'm not alone. Since then, I never wanted to be the same anymore. People can be cruel, but they can never change us. Taylor is right about one thing. If we are different from others, we are so lucky and it is something we should be grateful about.

Another reason why I adore her is because she is not like other girls. Of course every girl wants to be beautiful. However, many girls misunderstand the definition of 'beautiful'. For me, I think the definition of 'beautiful' is not about the physical things. Instead, it's about who you are inside. I know not all people can see that Taylor is beautiful. I think it's because they don't know her. But I think Taylor is beautiful because she is being herself and she is wonderfully beautiful inside and out. Now and then, I've been thinking. No matter how much make up we put on our faces, we can never be beautiful. Because what defines our beauty is our personality. And I really think Taylor Swift is the best definition of 'beautiful'.

The third reason is her music itself. I'm just a teenager and when you're a teenager, that's when you need music the most. My friends at school seem to know a lot about today's music. Most of my friends love songs that, for me, most of the times, don't make sense. They like Pitbull songs, Katy Perry songs, David Guetta songs, LMFAO songs, and others (I'm not saying that I hate them or something, because I think they're pretty awesome and I like some of their songs, too). And I think it's funny when sometimes people are being extreme or weird (or even inappropriate) to get attention. My dad told me so often that I should careful of what I listen to because it might be immoral. But I think I am totally safe because I listen to Taylor songs. Her songs are really good, and they are also beyond normal. That's not all. I heard that all of her songs are based on her real life. That's why I can really see sincerity in her songs and the meanings are really deep. And whenever I feel down, Taylor songs will always make me feel better.

I think Taylor Swift is a perfect role model. What she had been through made her who she is now and it's totally worth it. That tells us that everyone here has their own problem, but in the end, we all know it's going to be something good. Taylor won an award in Billboard Music Awards 2012 for Woman of the Year, I know she really deserves it. If I could have just one wish, I would really like to meet her in person and thank her for everything. I LOVE YOU, TAYLOR!

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